Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hammurabi's Code (Law)

Law is a part of our everyday lives, you probably never thought who made law or how was it made. The first law on record was made by a king, the kings name was Hammurabi. He made a book called "The code of Hammurabi". The book has somewhere between 210 laws. These laws are based on a saying "A eye for a eye and a tooth for a tooth". This means everything you do has the same consequence, kinda like science "Everything has and equal and opposite reaction". An example for these laws is if you breaks someones hand, your hand gets broken. Harsh I know but this keeps order in the cities and towns. But there are a few flaws... An example of these flaws is a law that if a builder builds a house and it collapses and kills the owner, the builder is killed or if it collapses on the owners son, the builders son gets killed. The flaw of this is not always the poor construction of the house, but wear and tear or the poor materials of the of the materials seller. My thought is the concept is good but if you look into it it has a few flaws.

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