Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Miller, Jeanne "From Grunts to Grammer: The Evolution of Language". Odyssey 34-36. Print.

The humans before us just didn't start talking and speaking like you and me!!! They started with easy things like grunts. And not only did they just start that, a few changes to their body helped them too. According to Laitman, our Larynx had to take a change, the larynx had to move down to the deeper part of our throat. Now, unlike most animals, our larynx is lower not allowing us to swallow while breathing unlike other animals. But it gave us something else, we are able to release more heat because we can breathe through our nose and mouth. This means we could release heat faster meaning we can run longer distance for food. This change also enabled to make different sounds shaping the muscles in your throat and moving your tongue will make them. So being able to make different sounds grunts could of started as a kind of language. The passing of time the grunts changed more into words, thus making a language between same races of people. This communication would be used to plan how to hunt or teaching someone how to make a tool.

Communication is key to our everyday life, look around and you will see it every where. It started from grunts and now is on the internet or over telecommunication like phones.

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