Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Gladiator school in vienna

I just read that a gladiator school was found just out of the city in Vienna. What fascinated me was that it was about 2 Walmarts. And that this one was the only one of this size; it had rooms under the school which were small and big. Also it being close to the Danube taught me that early civilizations needed to be close to a lake or river to get water.

Friday, September 23, 2011

How do Historians Learn about the Past?

Have you ever thought how historians come to a theory? Do they just guess? No they don't, historians use things called sources, sources are things that give evidence to a certain thing. Historians first have to find these sources through, excavating or other ways. But what do they do after they find the sources? They put them in two categories; written and non-written. Written sources can be; diaries, books, newspapers, ads, poems and others. Non-written sources are like artifacts, example; pots, paintings etc. But what happens after that? The historians look for three thing; validity, reliability and date of origin. Date of origin mean when it as made, reliability means how reliable is it, example; who is it made by etc, and validity; is it impartial or to biased.

Monday, September 19, 2011

In the past, where did humans tend to settle and why?

Humans settled in places around the world, they chose there place according to their need and wants. Of course there needs would be their shelter,food and water. They need to find a region that is going to suit there food and shelter need, so humans would settle close to lakes,rivers for water but not too close in some regions because of mosquito's carrying Malaria and other diseases. There region must have some kind of habitat for them to make a shelter (eg. Egyptians close to the Nile would use mud from that river to make there huts or wood supplies).The region must also have a specific food source for them to live off, (eg. Close to fresh water river would maybe have salmon or they could farm if the place they settled is flat or they could be close to trading lines).Lastly they need water(eg.Rivers, Lakes or filtration of water that is not drinkable also trading would work.)

So as you can see our ancestors needed A reliable food source,water and shelter, these factors made the humans settle in places

Shelter made out of materials from habitat

Friday, September 2, 2011

What is "History" and why do we learn it?

What is history?

I learned in class that history is the past and what major event,person or idea came to place. History also needs to do with religion and colonies that settled around the world. We study the history of how those colonies survived and what they did.

Why do we study history?

We study history so we an understand where we came from and how we evolved, what we did right and wrong. We also study history for signs of disasters that wiped out settlements and might happen in the future. Ideas also come in to play because they can be put in the future of other things.

"If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday" Pearl Buck