Thursday, March 31, 2011

Story of the supermarket!!!!!

Have you ever thought what it would be like being a pineapple in a supermarket???? So read to find out the mystical wonder.

Hello my name is Piny, I am from Australia and I am a pineapple. I got to this store by the truck, boat and plane. So…. Where did you come from? (As Coco explains a hand takes him). Oh well looks like someone did not take me again.
I am staying and starting to get spoiled. I wish someone could come and buy me from this cold boring place. OH MY GOD a person is reaching to get me yes, yes and as I said yes again I was thinking of a paradise with other fruit and beaches, I open my eyes and I see a hand go right past me. As I was recovering from my disappointment a hand tugged me and slammed me in a trolley. I come to a big table and the person puts me through this fascinating red light and then a beep sound plays. The person takes me and puts me in a bag and then twirls me in a dark scary place with other foods, including Coco. We stop with a screech of a tire and a bang. We are put in different places; I went in the big and scary one. As I look around the super chilled place I see bodies that have been cut in places. In my head I was trying to figure out “what sick person would do this”? As I finished that sentence I got pulled and put on a wooden thing with scratch marks and it felt really rough. My last thought was what would happen to me then a flash with a swipe came to cut me.
As I woke up I found myself in a stinky place and I changed completely, Oh well